Kurs NURTURE & PLAY 19 - 20 okt. 2017, ble holdt av Saara Salo
Kurs Sunshine circles 15 - 16 mars 2017
for bydel Nordstrand Oslo
Kurs gruppe Theraplay 17 mars 2017
Blir holdt for en lukket gruppe
Kurset 7 - 10 mars 2016 ble holdt av Rand Coleman.
Om kursholderen :
A. Rand Coleman PhD, received his doctorate from Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, PA, specializing in
neuropsychology. After completing his post-doctoral fellowship in the Division of
Neuropsychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, he worked in Green Bay,
WI, developing an outpatient clinic for children and adults with disabilities and assisted in
programs to transition brain injured and developmentally disabled individual from residential
and hospital care to community based living. While in Wisconsin, he and his wife did both
emergency and long term foster care for Brown County social services. He started training
in Theraplay at that time and also received training in Attachment Based Parenting, Attachment
Therapy, and EMDR. He completed certification in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. After moving
back to Pennsylvania in 2001 he worked for 3.5 years for the Devereux Foundation as the unit
clinician for their Kanner Center residential program for children with severe autism, mental
retardation, and dual diagnosis. He recently returned to the Devereux Foundation, as a Family
Support Specialist. He has also conducted neuropsychological testing, Theraplay, parent
training, and consultation for various schools. He is a certified Theraplay Therapist and Trainer,
and serves on The Theraplay Institute's research committee.
Kurset 4 - 7 mai 2015 ble holdt av Mary Ring.
Om kursholderen :
Mary Ring, MAMFC, LPC-S, LMFT-S, RPT/S has worked as a Marriage and Family counselor for The Juliana Poor Memorial Counseling Center at Houston’s First Baptist Church since 1993. She is clinical coordinator of the family team and guides 8 therapists through the process of a structured family treatment program developed over the last 10 years. The work of the team has expanded to include hosting family camps (both biological and foster/adoptive). This has extended into a ministry of providing training for those going on mission from Houston’s First Baptist Church to support orphan care all over the world. Mary is trained in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and took training under Drs. Karyn Purvis and David Cross in Trust-Based Relational Intervention. Mary has completed Basic EMDR training and is now in the process of being certified. She is in the certification program for Bruce Perry’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. She can be reached at: mary.ring@hfbc.org
Kurset 17 - 20 november 2014 ble holdt av Annie Kiermaier.
Om kursholderen :
Annie Kiermaier, LCSW, RN, clinical social worker in private practice, is a certified Theraplay therapist and trainer. She holds an MSW from the University of Maine at Orono, an A.D. in Nursing from the University of Maine at Augusta, and a B.A. from Earlham College in Richmond Indiana. Annie authored Chapter 7 of the 3rd edition of the Theraplay book, "Theraplay for Children with Regulation Disorders." Annie has a lifelong passion for helping parents and their children have healthy, joyful attachment relationships. She provides home and office-based Theraplay and parent consultation to families in Mid-Coast Maine, many of whom are involved in the child welfare system. Annie has traveled throughout the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand in her capacity as Theraplay trainer. Annie can be reached at annieK@midcoast.com.
Kurset 24 - 27 mars 2014 ble holdt av Theraplays grunnlegger Phyllis Booth
og Britta Sundberg.
Om kursholderne :
Phyllis Booth, MA, LMFT, LCPC, RPT/S, is a Certified Theraplay® Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer, and Clinical Director Emeritus of The Theraplay® Institute in Evanston, Illinois, USA. She received an MA in human development and clinical psychology from the University of Chicago, and completed an internship in clinical psychology at the University Of Chicago Hospitals Department Of Psychiatry in child and adult treatment. She was an associate at the Tavistock Clinic in London, England, where she studied under John Bowlby, D.W. Winnicott, and Joyce and James Robertson. In 1981, she completed a two-year training program in family therapy at the Family Institute of Chicago. She spent a year at the Anna Freud Centre in London. Phyllis began her career working with children and parents as a nursery school teacher. In 1967, she was among the first group of psychological consultants to the Head Start program in Chicago, where she began her long collaboration with Ann Jernberg developing the Theraplay method. She helped develop the theoretical underpinnings for Theraplay, and the structure and content of Theraplay training and certification practicum. In 2010, she rewrote and published the third edition of Theraplay: Helping Parents and Children Build Better Relationships Through Attachment-Based Play. She is also the author of numerous articles about Theraplay. She has trained professionals across the U.S., Canada, England, Finland, and South Korea, as well as presented at many conferences. Since 1993, she has served all but two years on the Board of Directors of The Theraplay® Institute, and is the 2003 recipient of the Ann M. Jernberg award for outstanding contribution to Theraplay®. Phyllis can be reached at phyllisbbooth@yahoo.com
Britta Sundberg, is a licensed psychologist, psychotherapist, Certified Theraplay Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer. Britta is doing research about the effectiveness of Theraplay at Umeå University in Sweden. She is also doing a lot of Theraplay supervision at different places in Sweden, mostly at units of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Britta has led Theraplay and Group Theraplay Trainings in Sweden, Finland and Norway and has presented Theraplay at international conferences. You can reach Britta at britta.sundberg@psychiat.umu.se